LT4DH-CEE Call for Papers

We are looking for original unpublished work related (but not limited to) one of the following topics:

  • Corpora for diachronic variants and the dialects of languages in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE);
  • NLP Tools for documents of historic, political, philosophical, archeological content in CEE;
  • Digital Humanities applications related to CEE;
  • Evaluation of current frameworks (CLARIN, DARIAH) on DH-objects related to CEE;
  • DH objects as Linked Open Data sets in CEE;
  • DH types of resources in CEE (texts, images, artefacts, multimodal objects, etc.);
  • Problematic issues related to tracking, digitizing, processing, annotating and preserving the DH objects in CEE;
  • Good practices for handling under-resourced DH objects.